
in Houston TX
Kybella 2

Experience the most reliable Kybella treatment in Houston at Wellness Rx, where our primary focus is on delivering a treatment that combines authenticity and remarkable effectiveness. Under the guidance of Kaneisha Teague, NP, an expert practitioner in cosmetic procedures, we are dedicated to providing clients with a Kybella treatment that achieves natural-looking and highly impactful results.

Kybella is a non-surgical solution designed to address submental fullness, commonly referred to as a “double chin.” This procedure involves the use of FDA-approved injections containing a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid—an essential compound naturally present in the body that aids in breaking down and absorbing fat.

The Kybella treatment encompasses a series of injections administered directly into the fat tissue beneath the chin. This process initiates the gradual breakdown and elimination of fat cells from the body.

Renowned for its safety and effectiveness, Kybella requires no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily routine immediately after the procedure. Visible improvements become apparent within a few weeks and continue to enhance over the course of several months. Kybella remains the sole FDA-endorsed treatment specifically formulated to effectively address submental fullness. At its core lies deoxycholic acid, a natural bodily molecule. When strategically targeted through injections, it selectively dissolves fat cells, making it an exceptional solution for achieving a more defined chin and jawline.

The Process

Throughout your Kybella treatment process, we’ve structured it into three cohesive phases to ensure a comprehensive and comfortable experience:

Consultation Phase:
When you engage in a Kybella treatment consultation, a certified professional will carefully assess your chin area. This assessment will be accompanied by a detailed discussion about your desired goals and expectations for the treatment. Additionally, you’ll receive essential pre-treatment instructions, which include recommendations to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and foods that are spicy, sugary, or high in sodium at least 48 hours prior to your treatment session.

Treatment Stage:
The core of the Kybella procedure involves the precise injection of deoxycholic acid into the fat beneath your chin. This process effectively targets and destroys fat cells. Each treatment session is efficiently completed within 15 to 20 minutes, and these sessions are spaced at least a month apart for optimal results. Our dedicated Houston team, specialized in Kybella injections, employs advanced techniques to ensure minimal discomfort during the treatment, guaranteeing your comfort throughout the process.

Support & Recovery Phase:
Following your Kybella treatment, it’s common to experience mild redness, swelling, and tenderness in the treated area. Thankfully, these symptoms typically subside within a few days. You can expect comprehensive support during the post-treatment phase, as our team will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions and guidance to ensure your recovery is smooth and hassle-free.


Frequently Asked Questions
Could Kybella be right for me?

To find out if Kybella is suitable for your needs, we recommend getting in touch with our office for a complimentary consultation. This consultation can be done virtually or in person.

What are the potential side effects of Kybella?

Like all cosmetic procedures, Kybella comes with potential risks. It’s important to have a complete understanding of these risks before deciding to proceed with the treatment. The most common side effects of Kybella include swelling, redness, and bruising in the treated area. These effects usually go away quickly. In more serious cases, complications like difficulty in swallowing or nerve damage can occur. If you experience any side effects not discussed during your consultation, please contact our office promptly.

How long do Kybella results last?

Kybella offers long-lasting results because the treated fat cells are permanently removed from the body. However, maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise is crucial to prevent new fat deposits from forming.

What is the cost of Kybella?

The cost of Kybella varies depending on the number of treatments needed and the severity of submental fullness. In Houston, Kybella prices typically start at around $500.

What is the recovery time for Kybella?

Kybella does not require downtime, and most patients can resume their normal activities right after the procedure. You might experience some swelling, redness, or bruising in the treated area for several days post-treatment.